Входящий вызов не ловится.

Модератор: Administrator

Участник форума
Сообщения: 52
Зарегистрирован: Пт 23 янв 2015, 05:53

Входящий вызов не ловится.

Сообщение Edward »

Здравствуйте !

Прошу помощи !
Исходящая связь работает нормально.
Входящий вызов не ловится.

Монитор пишет при загрузки вот что :

Programming FPGA ...
FPGA Version 0xFC
CPLD Revs: 0xC1 0xD4
CardID: 0x3A Modules: 0xE9
Expanding MPPC image ...

Expansion complete

Alarm Logging enabled (max entries=20, in use=0)
NoCacheStaticHeap=2870392 NoCacheDynamicHeap=1258376 Overflow=0
Constructor StaticHeap=-59966976 DynamicHeap=50324272
Factory Test Status 00000001
Product Variation Status ffffffff
Small Office Gateway Status ffffffff
found FLASH file: ..\modem\zmbin004.s37, len=790
found FLASH file: ..\modem\mcode.bin, len=40000
found FLASH file: ..\vcomp\48105ak.310, len=e2
found FLASH file: ..\vcomp\48105ae3.312.03, len=1ee4e
found FLASH file: ..\platform\onehz.bin, len=3e80
found FLASH file: ding.pcm, len=40a
found FLASH file: ..\vcomp\482ak.311.09, len=10e
found FLASH file: ..\vcomp\48204ae6.311.09, len=1da6a
Re-programming FPGA ...
FPGA Version 0xfe
DCP interface (Hatric v4) detected
htl 00010000 hth 20600000
Broadcom Switch Mode was 0xf5 now 0xf6
EthChipRevId: 0x6e EthPhyId: 0x004062b3
SLOT A: Analogue Trunk Module 4U Added
AtmDSP::AtmDSPA (base=0x40021000, reset=0x40021c00)
AtmVinetic::DEC(0A): FAILED: Bootload error (0x0001)
AtmVinetic::DownloadEmbeddedController(0A): OK
AtmVinetic::DownloadEDSPFirmware(0A): OK
Initialising PCM channel 0
Initialising PCM channel 1
Initialising PCM channel 2
Initialising PCM channel 3
AtmVinetic::RestartCodec(0A): Restart OK
SLOT B: ISDN BRI Module Added (must be quad!)
BRI DSP Identified at: 40020280
DU_SLICOFI2: chip version: V1.5
PotsExpModule created
ConferDSP::ConferDSP (base=0x40031400)
DownloadHub: &fef656b0: port_count=#8.
#0: port=&fef6e4e8 renderer=&fef663b8 sequencer=&00000000.
#1: port=&fef6d648 renderer=&fef6621c sequencer=&00000000.
#2: port=&fef6c7a8 renderer=&fef66080 sequencer=&00000000.
#3: port=&fef6b908 renderer=&fef65ee4 sequencer=&00000000.
#4: port=&fef6dd98 renderer=&fef65d48 sequencer=&00000000.
#5: port=&fef6cef8 renderer=&fef65bac sequencer=&00000000.
#6: port=&fef6c058 renderer=&fef65a10 sequencer=&00000000.
#7: port=&fef6b1b8 renderer=&fef65874 sequencer=&00000000.
No Modem fitted
VCM1 NOT fitted
SEC Lite: Initialisation OK. Base = 08020000
Unit warm start = 0
RouteSystem::Starting DHCP Server...
RouteSystem:: LAN1 ipaddr=0A13CA0B ipmask=FFFFFF00
Configuration::Attempting to read from FLASH...
ConfigObj::Warning record under read - cfg newer than sw size=4 depth=1
ptr=ff2ca608 start=ff2ca3d4
Set name to 00E00702368C
Diffserve settings - VAL=b8 MASK=fc
DHCP Address LAN2 Changed
Platform::Discover TDM Attached Units...
TDMLink 1 Online
Platform::Discover Possible LAN Attached Units...
IPOFFICE: Thu 2016/10/13 17:11:34 FreeMem=48964648
Firewall Validating LAN1
Checking WAN
IPSecMng::Starting IPSec module...
0: PCM=fffff8f4 ALaw=69
1: PCM=12a9 ALaw=87
2: PCM=2280 ALaw=b4
3: PCM=2891 ALaw=b1
4: PCM=1e31 ALaw=8b
5: PCM=07bb ALaw=eb
6: PCM=fffff434 ALaw=12
7: PCM=ffffd8db ALaw=36
8: PCM=ffffd6ee ALaw=31
9: PCM=ffffe2a5 ALaw=08
ALOG Line 1 - Permitting Private Modem
ALOG Line 1 - creating AtmHandler for ATM4 card in slot A
ALOG Line 1 - instantiating CMAlogLine shim
CMAlogLine: LineId=(id=1, type=7): Bchan=(chan=1,slot=2) trunk_type=1
Installing ATM V42 SoftModem: DSP: fef8a2b0, BChan: 2:1
ALOG Line 2 - instantiating CMAlogLine shim
CMAlogLine: LineId=(id=2, type=7): Bchan=(chan=2,slot=2) trunk_type=1
ALOG Line 3 - instantiating CMAlogLine shim
CMAlogLine: LineId=(id=3, type=7): Bchan=(chan=3,slot=2) trunk_type=1
ALOG Line 4 - instantiating CMAlogLine shim
CMAlogLine: LineId=(id=4, type=7): Bchan=(chan=4,slot=2) trunk_type=1
ISDN Line 5 Setting TEI to 0
Peb::Configure type 5
ISDN Line 6 Setting TEI to 0
Peb::Configure type 5
ISDN Line 7 Setting TEI to 0
Peb::Configure type 5
ISDN Line 8 Setting TEI to 0
Peb::Configure type 5
CREATE POTS extn 2 slot 0 chan 0 shift 0 add 9>>> DIGITAL DCP 8: slotNum=1 de
CREATE POTS extn 16 slot 10 chan 0 shift 0 add 3Creating a Pots Module for a TD
M link
Added ACDQueue to All
IGMP::Starting IGMP Module...
Inband Exception Handling Enabled
Initialisation complete starting TA

IO list size 0
Config Write Completed
AtmHandler: CMRestart for line 1, bchan=(slot=2, chan=1) locale=rus
AtmHandler: Locale changed for line 1- reinitialising SICOFIs and DSPs
AtmHandler: Creating trunk 0 (type=1)
Initialising PCM channel 3
AtmVinetic::SetupNearEndEchoCancelation delay=(16ms), channel=(3)
AtmHandler: CMRestart for line 2, bchan=(slot=2, chan=2) locale=rus
AtmHandler: Creating trunk 1 (type=1)
Initialising PCM channel 2
AtmVinetic::SetupNearEndEchoCancelation delay=(16ms), channel=(2)
AtmHandler: CMRestart for line 3, bchan=(slot=2, chan=3) locale=rus
AtmHandler: Creating trunk 2 (type=1)
Initialising PCM channel 1
AtmVinetic::SetupNearEndEchoCancelation delay=(16ms), channel=(1)
AtmHandler: CMRestart for line 4, bchan=(slot=2, chan=4) locale=rus
AtmHandler: Creating trunk 3 (type=1)
Initialising PCM channel 0
AtmVinetic::SetupNearEndEchoCancelation delay=(16ms), channel=(0)
Initialising PCM channel 3
AtmVinetic::SetupNearEndEchoCancelation delay=(16ms), channel=(3)
AtmIO1: Trunk Release
AtmIO1: Echo Cancellation 0
Near End EchoCancellation stopped: 0x103
Far End EchoCancellation stopped: 0x103
AtmIO1: Block Forward OFF
Initialising PCM channel 2
AtmVinetic::SetupNearEndEchoCancelation delay=(16ms), channel=(2)
AtmIO2: Trunk Release
AtmIO2: Echo Cancellation 0
Near End EchoCancellation stopped: 0x102
Far End EchoCancellation stopped: 0x102
AtmIO2: Block Forward OFF
Initialising PCM channel 1
AtmVinetic::SetupNearEndEchoCancelation delay=(16ms), channel=(1)
AtmIO3: Trunk Release
AtmIO3: Echo Cancellation 0
Near End EchoCancellation stopped: 0x101
Far End EchoCancellation stopped: 0x101
AtmIO3: Block Forward OFF
Initialising PCM channel 0
AtmVinetic::SetupNearEndEchoCancelation delay=(16ms), channel=(0)
AtmIO4: Trunk Release
AtmIO4: Echo Cancellation 0
Near End EchoCancellation stopped: 0x100
Far End EchoCancellation stopped: 0x100
AtmIO4: Block Forward OFF
Постоянный участник форума
Сообщения: 2879
Зарегистрирован: Пн 07 июл 2008, 16:51
Откуда: Москва
Контактная информация:

Re: Входящий вызов не ловится.

Сообщение Pterodahtil »

были проблемы с СО линиями в IPO500, но это в 5й версии вроде было. В линии Ring Detection подкрутите, ещё усилением можно поиграть.
Настрою IP Office и классическую Avaya