Добрый день!!!
Нам необходимо сделать upgrade cm на s8300/G350 c версии 3.1.1 до 3.1.5 по tftp. Образ скачали, а как его установить по tftp не знаем.
Не подскажете?
upgrade cm
Модератор: Administrator
Я вот так же делал, но не получается. Поначалу идет in progress, а потом выдается:
Upgrade failed. The load 03.1-01.5.642.3 is not present on the server or the CD-ROM attched to the server. Please make sure that the load is copied on the target server or available in the CD-ROM attached to the server before starting the upgrade.
Upgrade failed. The load 03.1-01.5.642.3 is not present on the server or the CD-ROM attched to the server. Please make sure that the load is copied on the target server or available in the CD-ROM attached to the server before starting the upgrade.